Child sponsorship is an easy and powerful way to help an orphan and a vulnerable child break the bonds of extreme poverty. It connects you with an individual child and allows you the opportunity to develop a lifelong relationship that will change the life of that child forever.

We believe that it will change your life as well. Child sponsorship is not a transaction. It is a relationship. It is life transformation.

100% of your monthly contribution goes to meet the needs of your sponsored child. Grace & Love does not use any sponsorship funds for administrative expenses.

Please read a letter from Joseph on the financial needs of Grace and Love Children’s Home: Grace & Love financial needs


We have many exciting visions that you can donate towards. Whether it’s toward the farm to raise food for our growing family of needy kids or repairs to our home or whatever the Lord puts on your heart, we all greatly appreciate it and you know He does too!


Your monthly donation allows us to feed, cloth, educate and give a warm loving home to children whose parents have died, been abandoned on the street and other tragedies that should never happen to the most vulnerable of people. Whatever you are lead to give is a wonderful help. Consider sponsoring a child or more yourself at $50 per child per month


We have faith to expand in order to meet the needs of Yangon’s Orphans! We are planning to accept more children who are the most vulnerable among the many. This could be extended with no limit if God provides us with men and women who want to serve with us and support our vision. We totally accept “His Will Be Done” for His own glory!

Grace & Love Children’s Home is solely supported by donations from caring individuals. Your support of 50,000 MMK (~50 USD) a month provides the following for each child:

  1. Housing
  2. Health: Nutritious/tasty meals, purified water, vitamins, medical check-ups, immunization, hygiene and other medical needs.
  3. Personal items: Clothing, toiletries, bedding, toys etc.
  4. Education: School fee, books, school supplies and uniforms.
  5. Fun: Extracurricular activities, games and sports.
  6. Child Protection Rights (includes child rights and protections).

Please read a letter from Joseph on the financial needs of Grace and Love Children’s Home: Grace & Love financial needs