Grace & Love Ministry

Grace & Love Orphanage Ministry is a non-profit Christ focused organization based in Myanmar Yangon and is founded by native missionary Pastor Joseph Lal H. Puia on 7 February 2004. Today, G&L outreach teams, pastors, teachers, missionaries and other leaders are reaching the unreached people and planting churches where none have existed before in Myanmar. The discipleship training program and orphanage ministry (Grace and Love Children’s Home) began in 2009 and church planting began on 2012 in Yangon.


Our mission is to train and equip Christians to be Christ-like leaders who build up the church and the nation of Myanmar and beyond, and to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the most unreached people in Myanmar in a holistic manner by addressing their spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional needs and planting churches where none have existed before.

Train up a child in the way he should go: when he is old, he shall not depart from it. Proverbs 22:3

Celebration City Gathering at Myanmar, Yangon, Grace and Love Home is held Sunday 10:30am UTC (Myanmar time)